The holder of the BTS FED - Fluides Energies Domotique - Option C Domotique et bâtiment communicants - is a specialist in building automation and communication networks. On completion of the course, he/she will be able to: -
Vocational teaching modules:
BC01 - Analysis and definition of a system
- Analysing a customer's needs
- Analysing a system
- Decoding and drawing up plans and diagrams
-. Gather and process information
BC02 - Physico-chemical study of a system
- Analyse a technical solution in its context
- Reason, demonstrate, argue
- Exercise your analytical mind
- Extract and organise useful information
- Master the different stages of the scientific and experimental approaches
- Implement a resolution approach independently to understand an industrial technical system
BC03 - Intervention on systems
- Implement digital control tools
- Carry out tests, measurements
- Check, adapt the performance of a system
BC04 - Project management
- Analyse a customer's needs
- Design technological solutions
- Decode and draw up plans and diagrams
- Apply current regulations
- Determine prices or costs at the various stages of progress of an operation
- Draw up and update a schedule
- Listen, dialogue, argue
- Draw up and use a communication medium
- Negotiate
- Draw up a commercial offer
BC05 - Estimates, communication, negotiation
- Determine prices or costs at the various stages of progress of an operation
- Organise, lead a team
- Gather and process information
- Listen, dialogue, argue
- Develop and use a communication medium
- Negotiate
General teaching modules
General culture and expression, English, Mathematics and physics-chemistry, Mathematics, Physics-chemistry
Find out more about this qualification (RNCP38361, exact wording of the diploma, name of the certifier, registration date of the qualification) by clicking here.
Have one of the following qualifications: BAC STI2D (all specialities), BAC PRO electrotechnics, energy, communicating equipment, or digital electronic systems, or energy and climate systems maintenance technician, or BAC S (option SI, more rarely option SVT).
Positioning upstream of training entry.
Taking account of beneficiary satisfaction during and at the end of training.
Possibility of post-training support.
For beneficiaries with disabilities: possible adaptation of training and certification methods, support by the GRETA-CFA TH referent.
Education Nationale certified teachers, Bac +3 trainers with significant experience in adult education, professional lecturers.
Tests at the end of training (One-off assessment)
.Applications on Parcoursup.
The advanced technician with option C ("home automation and communicating buildings") is a specialist in building automation and communication networks. They may work in:
- technical design offices (BET),
- installation and/or maintenance companies,
- equipment suppliers and/or manufacturers,
- local authorities.
Access for people with disabilities
Accessible to people with disabilitiesTransport
Getting to Digne les Bains by LER: 22,28,33/37a,33/37b
Ligne1: Les Augiers/A;David-Neel - Stop "PG de Gennes"
Pre-registration on the Netyparéo application portal: cliquez ici
Our indicators can be consulted on the site: cliquez ici" target="_blank">cliquez ici
Success rate: 100%
GRETA-CFA Alpes Provence
GRETA-CFA Alpes Provence
Réseau Formation Professionnelle
de l'Éducation nationale